An individual who is unable to leave his or her home – due to a health issue or injury – without assistance of another individual or a supportive device (such as crutches, a cane, a wheelchair, or a walker); or if it is not medically recommended for them to leave …
Diabetic Diet & Monitoring
You can have a normal and active lifestyle if you proactively take control of your diabetes care. However, it is still important to go for your regular checkups and tests. These appointments will tell you if your effort to curb the impact of diabetes on your body is working or …
Medication Safety
What does your doctor need to know? Make a list of vitamins, supplements, and medicines that you are currently taking. Be sure to make a copy of this list in case of emergencies. Ensure that your doctor is aware of all the medicines that you are currently taking. Avoid taking …
Food Allergies
When your body’s immune system senses the presence of abnormal food in your systems, it can trigger a food allergy. These allergic reactions can sometimes lead to severe illnesses or death. One of the leading causes for deadly allergic reactions are tree nuts and peanuts. In adults, the foods that …
Immunization Information
Flu (Variations: Grippe, Influenza) A respiratory infection caused due to a virus is typically what we know as ‘flu’. There are several viruses which can cause the flu by passing through the air and entering your body through your nose or mouth. It affects nearly 20% of people in the …